Businesses Information
Dedicated info for those in the local area
On this page you will find key information on Pride In London 2025, including the parade route, road closures and parking suspensions, as well as important licensing information. For any unanswered questions, please contact our dedicated RBL team on [email protected]
Business Information Pack
This year's Business Information Pack contains all of the essential information needed for this years Parade. Click the button below to download it.
Download Business Information pack for 2024Drop-In Sessions
As we continue to plan for Pride in London on Saturday 5th July 2025, we would like to invite those businesses and organisations along the Pride footprint the opportunity to meet the team, ask any questions, share any queries or just say hello.
We will be hosting two RBL sessions - dates and locations to be announced soon.
Can’t make the dates? Send your questions or query to our dedicated RBL team, request a virtual meeting or arrange an appointment: [email protected].
Parade Route
The Pride in London Parade, made up of 100s of LGBT+ community groups, charitable and non profit organisations and supportive businesses will take place from 12:00 to 18:00 on Saturday 5th July 2025.
Pride in London has returned with its heritage route for 2025 assembling on Park Lane and travelling down Piccadilly, crossing Piccadilly Circus, travelling down Haymarket, turning left towards Trafalgar Square and dispersing on Whitehall Place.
Event Areas
The event areas for 2025 are:
Trafalgar Square -> Main Stage
Golden Square -> The World Stage
Leicester Square -> LGBTQI, Women and Non-Binary Stage
Dean Street -> The Cabaret Stage
Victoria Embankment -> The Family Area
Soho Square -> Trans and Non-Binary Stage, with Pride in London Community Market
All areas run from 12:00 to 20:00 with the exception of the Family Area which will run from 12:00 to 18:00.
Road Closures
Roads will be closed across the whole footprint which will affect vehicular access for businesses and residents. Please note that all feeder roads into the closed roads will also be affected. As a result, normal deliveries and waste collections may be affected on Saturday 5th July 2025.

You can access a more detailed, interactive map of road closures here.
Along Piccadilly there will be facilitated vehicle access to travel from South (around St James’s Street) and heading North in the morning of the event. Please note that this is one directional (see Road Closures Map below). There are also pedestrian crossing points across Piccadilly which go in both directions. Please access our interactive map to locate these crossing points and the direction you can cross:

The following Westminster Gardens will have altered opening hours and may have sections closed for public access due to the set up of the event:
Leicester Square Gardens
Friday 28th June - East side of the Gardens will be closed
12:00 to 20:00 Saturday 29th June - Gardens will be open to the public for the event
10:00 Sunday 30th June - Gardens reopen
Soho Square Gardens
12:00 to 20:00 Saturday 29th June - Gardens will be open to the public for the event. The majority of event activities are located on street and outside the Gardens
11:00 Sunday 30th June - Gardens reopen
Golden Square Gardens
Friday 28th June - West side of the Gardens will be closed
12:00 to 20:00 Saturday 29th June - Gardens will be open to the public for the event
11:00 Sunday 30th June - Gardens reopen
St Anne’s Church Garden
Saturday 29th June - Gardens will be closed to the public
10:00 Sunday 30th June - Gardens reopen
Parking and vehicle access will be affected along the Parade route. Parking suspensions will also be in place across the footprint. Zone G Permit holders will be able to park in Resident Parking Bays in E (Mayfair) & F (north of Oxford Street) zones during the event parking suspensions. This will be from 18:30 on Friday 28th June 2024 to 08:30 on Monday 1st July 2024. Please find a link here for further information on Westminster Permit Zones.
When the roads are closed there will be no vehicular access; therefore your normal daily delivery times could be impacted. Please make alternative arrangements for the day before or at a time before the road closures.
Commercial Waste Collection
Adhering to commercial waste collection requirements is very important and compliance to these requirements will be taken into consideration as part of the Responsible Licensing Scheme.
Please make alternative arrangements for collection at other times as commercial waste must not be placed onto the street during the event times.
Impact on the Environment
Pride in London is committed to reducing our impact on the planet and has a sustainability team in place to help achieve this. We ask you to consider how you can help minimise your waste on Parade day where possible which could include:
Offering free tap water to attendees including filling of water bottles
Offering recycling facilities
Using reusable plastic glasses for service
Prohibiting give-aways including stickers and single use plastic items
For more info, please contact the Pride Sustainability team at [email protected]
Get Involved
Pride in London attracts a huge amount of additional visitors to the city to celebrate and also campaign for LGBTQ+ rights. Pride in London is the largest free daytime event in London. More than half of our visitors surveyed said that they were more likely to spend money with LGBTQ+ businesses. There are a number of ways that you can get involved including:
Installing a window display that highlights your support for the LGBTQ+ community.
Encourage your staff not working to volunteer for Pride in London! We have over 1000 volunteers supporting us on the day.
Create a product or service that benefits the community. For example, a LGBTQ+ themed cocktail that includes a donation to Pride in London’s Unity Fund or an LGBTQ+ non-profit organisations with each sale.
Have Pride in London Fundraising collection tins in safe but busy areas. Offering space to LGBTQ+ non-profits in the days around Pride to host community events.
Supporting our on-the-day Volunteers by offering use of your bathrooms / a free meal or drink or a discount on your food.
Make a donation to Pride in London.
Become a Sponsor or Partner. Our packages start from just £1,000 (plus VAT) which includes listing on our website and collateral to display in your venue and a dedicated account manager to help you plan your Pride.
Pride in London only succeeds with the support of our community. For more information or to support our event please email: [email protected]
The need for Pride is as strong as ever. A huge amount of progress has been made for LGBTQ+ people over the past 50 years but there are still significant challenges that our community faces. Pride in London is your platform to help make a change.
Pride in London aims to end all activities on the Public Highway at 20:00 following which street and environmental cleansing will begin.
If you are a licensed premise, you must follow the conditions of your premises licence.
If you are located in the Soho or surrounding areas and would like to do anything that impacts the highway (including pavements) outside of your normal operation, you must apply to do so.
The Pride in London footprint can become very crowded and so it may not be possible to grant permission for some requests.
If you wish to modify your operation during the event (12:00 to 20:00) please include the following undertakings in your TEN (in the box marked ‘Nature of Event’);
All relevant premises licence conditions shall apply throughout the TEN (please state).
All drinks shall be dispensed into non-glass containers and all bottles shall be decanted into non-glass containers.
We shall inform Pride in London of the extension of the use of the outside area. We shall display a Pride in London Responsible Licensee poster in a prominent place.
Please note that the Pride in London event activities end at 20:00, after which the clean-up will commence. If you wish to extend your hours of operation, you will need to apply for a TEN.
Please note that extension onto the public highway is not permitted after 20:00. Outside drinking will not be permitted after 20:00 unless your premises licence already allows this.
Pride in London reviews all highway extension applications, and acceptance will be on a case-by- case basis. Any additional street activity will need to allow a 4m-wide clear route for emergency vehicles.
Please register your plans with Pride In London Responsible Licensing Scheme here and if necessary, apply for your Temporary Event Notice (TENS) form here
The deadline for our Responsible Licensing Scheme Applications is no later than 12:00 on 31st May 2024.
To allow sufficient time for your application to be reviewed, please ensure it is submitted by Friday 31st May 2024.
If you need any advice or assistance with your application for a TEN please email: [email protected] | [email protected]
On-The-Day Communication
The Resident and Business Liaison team will be in your area on Parade Day and, alongside the Metropolitan Police and Westminster City Council, will be available to field any last-minute issues that may come up. If you have any unexpected disruption in your area, please contact our Event Liaison Team for Pride in London by calling the following number: 0204 576 9744
Thank You
Thank you for your cooperation as we make the final arrangements for the Pride in London Parade. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on: [email protected]