No One Left Behind: Our Collective Fight for Equality, Freedom, and Justice - IDAHOBIT 2024

17 May 2024

No One Left Behind: Our Collective Fight for Equality, Freedom, and Justice

As we commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and (IDAHOBIT) at Pride in London, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in our ongoing struggle for equality. This year's theme, "No one left behind: equality, freedom, and justice for all," serves as a powerful reminder that our fight is far from over, and that we must stand united in the face of adversity.

In the UK, we have made significant strides towards equality in recent years. The Rainbow Index highlights our progress in areas such as marriage equality, adoption rights, and legal protections against discrimination. However, we must not allow these victories to breed complacency. The reality is that many LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly those from marginalised communities, continue to face discrimination, violence, and systemic oppression on a daily basis.

For our trans and non-binary siblings, the fight for recognition and equality is particularly urgent. The UK's Gender Recognition Act desperately needs reform to allow for self-determination and to remove the medicalised barriers that currently stand in the way of legal recognition. Moreover, the toxic discourse surrounding trans rights in the media and politics is contributing to a climate of fear and hostility that puts trans lives at risk.

As a community, we must also grapple with the intersectional nature of oppression. LGBTQ+ individuals who are also people of colour, disabled, or from other marginalised groups face multiple layers of discrimination that compound and exacerbate each other. We cannot claim to fight for equality while leaving anyone behind - our liberation is bound together.

On this IDAHOBIT, we ask each and every one of you to join us in reaffirming our commitment to the ongoing fight for equality, freedom, and justice. We must stand together, shoulder to shoulder, in the battle for trans rights, for intersectional justice, and for a world where every single member of our beautiful, diverse LGBTQ+ family can live authentically and without fear.

This isn't just an abstract concept - it's about the lived realities of our siblings who face oppression and marginalisation every single day. It's about reaching out a hand to those who have been pushed to the margins, lifting up their voices, and saying "we see you, we hear you, and we stand with you."

It's about recognising that none of us are truly free until all of us are free. It's about using our collective strength, our passion, and our unbreakable spirit to tear down the systems of oppression that seek to divide us and hold us back.

So let's make this IDAHOBIT a turning point. Let's recommit ourselves to this vital work, not just today, but every day. Let's show the world the power of our love, our solidarity, and our determination to create change. 

At Pride in London, we pledge to use our platform to amplify the voices of those who are often silenced. We will continue to fight, to protest, and to celebrate our diverse, vibrant community. We will work tirelessly to create a world where no one is left behind, and where every LGBTQ+ person can thrive.

We invite you to join us at Pride in London on 29th June 2024

Pride in London